Trout Rivers - Sage Premium Rod & Reel Outfit

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Regular Price: $1440.48
Package Price: $1329.99 + Free Shipping

When we think about trout fishing, and we think about it every day, we think about throwing dry flies to rising trout. The pinnacle of trout fishing, and the first rod that comes to all of our minds is unquestionably the Sage Trout LL! Stalking risers and throwing short to medium distance casts with accuracy is one of our favorite things to do! Whether its on a spring creek in Montana, head hunting on the Yakima with a dry dropper, or fooling a rising trout with a well placed Callibaetis in one of BC's incredible lakes. And the LL is simply one of the best rods in the industry for doing just that. But trout fishing isn't all about dry fly fishing. Sometimes you need to get down and dirty with a nymph rig, or maybe you want to huck streamers to the bank, or troll some leeches on your local lake. The versatility and forgiving action of the Sage Trout LL will be an absolute dream to fish, in any application. 

Sage Trout LL rods have a very classic appearance that's nostalgic of the past. These are beautiful rods, with dark walnut wood inserts, a rich mahogany blank, with accenting gold thread wraps. The Sage Trout LL is just a stunning rod, both in the way it looks and the way it casts. The feel of a slower action rod, or a true medium action rod like the trout LL, is something that has been somewhat forgotten and overlooked in this day in age. With all of the fast, and super fast action rods that are out in the market today, there is something really satisfying about slowing down your casting stroke and really feeling a rod load down into the cork. That all being said, the Sage Trout LL can definitely bomb a long cast in the right anglers hand. Best suited for dry lines, and smaller flies, but the LL is more than capable of sink-tip lines, full sink lines, indicator rigs and light streamers as well. 

We paired the Sage Trout LL rod with the Sage Trout 4/5/6 reel in bronze. This reel has the classic look, but has all the modern performance you could ever ask for. A very smooth sealed drag system that will protect light tippets, and slow down the hottest most pissed off trout you can imagine. A full cage frame design adds strength to this reel, while also completely eliminating the chance of the line ever popping out between the frame and the spool. The Sage Trout 4/5/6 reel balances beautifully on the Trout LL 590-4.

We are line geeks here at PFF and continuously try different lines on different rods... and the RIO Gold fly line was our staff favorite on this rod. We really like this line on lighter deep flexing rods like Sage Trout LL. 

This package is completed with a already rigged onto the line so you are ready to tie a fly on and fish when your package arrives.

Trout beware!

Includes Free Shipping in USA.

Other items recommended to compliment your rod/reel outfit:

Items included in this package

  • Winston Pure Fly Rods
  • Sage Trout LL 590-4

    Sage Trout LL rods are the reincarnation of the beloved and highly revered Sage Light Line (LL) rods of years past.  The calm, smooth, medium-action feel of the original LL rods has been captured in the new Trout LL, but with the additional benefits of Sage's Konnetic HD blank technology.  In the end, the new Sage Trout LL rods deliver smooth, easy-loading, classic feel with the incredibly lightweight, accurate, and responsive feel of today's most technically advanced rods.

  • Sealed Carbon System) drag, a full cage design, and classic aesthetics. 

  • Scientific Anglers Trout Fly Line
  • RIO Gold Fly Line - WF-5

    The RIO Premier Gold fly line is the perfect match for the Sage Trout LL 5wt. We put in a lot of time casting different lines on the LL and the general consensus between our staff was that the RIO Gold was the best fit. When we think about the Trout LL in a 5wt, we think about about throwing a hopper tight to the bank, or sight fishing on a gin clear lake to rising trout where a high degree of accuracy is needed, and the RIO Gold is just the tool for the job. A general taper fly line with a long head and long rear taper that loads the Sage Trout LL at close range and gives the caster control at distance, while the front taper delivers a perfect presentation. 

  • Rio Powerflex Trout Leader
  • RIO Powerflex Trout Leader - 9ft 4X, 6.4lb.

    A favorite among many serious anglers, Rio's Powerflex knotless tapered leaders are designed for superb abrasion-resistance and high knot and tensile strength. Their long, thick butt design provides smooth turn-over while a supple tippet gives the fly life-like presentation. The gray color is neutral and blends into any background for perfect camouflage. One leader per package with a Perfection Knot loop tied into the butt section. When we prepare your outfit for you, we will attach your leader to your fly line so that you are ready to fish when your outfit arrives.

  • Scientific Anglers Backing
  • Backing

    Your outfit will come with the perfect amount backing already loaded onto the reel and attached to your line. We only use the best knots to rig your setup. We use the Albright Knot with a lock then sealed with glue to connect your backing to your running line.